Is it hard for you to make changes?
Do you tend to resist changes? Even changes that might be good for you?
If so you might be like many people... what is familiar is what is comfortable~ even when it's not working for us.
So why do people tend to resist change?
People resist change for many reasons;
Maybe you don't know where to go for resources you need to make the transition...
Maybe you want to avoid the embarrassment that a public divorce or separation might cause you or your family...
Maybe you don't have the skills that you need to work through or resolve a situation...
Maybe you don't have enough information to make this decision...
Or maybe it's not that you are resisting change~ but your loved ones are. You're ready for a different direction but your loved ones aren't and, though well-intentioned, they actually do things that feel more like sabotage than support...
It has been said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again hoping for a different result. This is precisely what happens when we don't choose change.
The problem is that change will find us... whether we are ready for it or not. Change is inevitable. Change is constant. Since we can predict that change will happen, wouldn't you rather choose change and have some input into the direction of your life rather than to allow change to choose you?
Ms. Trotter has been conducting counseling with individuals, couples, children, adolescents, and families for approximately twenty years. Now see a therapist from the privacy of your own home if you have a webcam, smartphone or tablet. Visit her website at for additional information.