Apr 15, 2013

How Could You!?!? 10 Simple Tips to Increase Positive Interactions WithYour Partner:

Have you ever found yourself unemployed and sending out resumés to get a job? Typically for every 10-15 resumés you send out you'll receive 1 response back. So what happens if you only send out 8 resumés? Or if you send out 10 but don't send out any more? What if the one company call you received wasn't the one you were hoping for? Most likely, you won't be successful in landing that "ideal" and "fulfilling" job.

In order to sustain an "ideal" and "fulfilling" relationship, John Gottman, researcher and renowned relational specialist in the field of psychology posits in order for a relationship to thrive you must exhibit 5 positive interactions to every 1 negative interaction. That's certainly better odds than receiving 1 in 10-15 responses from sending out your resumés.

So the question is this; If your relationship is not ideal and fulfilling, how could you increase your number of positive interactions with your partner? It may take a conscience effort to do so, regardless of whether you receive feedback right away from your partner. But if you don't make that effort, your relationship's odds of being "ideal" and "fulfilling" will slowly stack against you.

Here are 10 simple tips to increase your positive interactions with your partner:

1. Use humor.
2. Flirt.
3. Give sincere compliments.
4. Show appreciation.
5. Listen.
6. Date each other.
7. Use "I" statements when you're upset.
8. Surprise your partner by cleaning the house.
9. Hug when you get home from work.
10. Make a date to meet for lunch.

Ms. Trotter is a Licensed Marital and Family Therapist in private practice in Tulsa & Ponca City, Oklahoma. She has been conducting counseling with individuals, couples, children, adolescents, and families for approximately twenty years. You may now see a therapist from the privacy of your own home if you have a webcam, and a smartphone, laptop, or tablet. Visit her website at www.treytrotter.com for additional information.


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